Passion for Children

If you love kids and want to help them navigate through one of the toughest times of their lives, cOME AND pROVIDE RESPITE FOR PARENTS THROUGH CHILDCARE



Number of People: 1 – 3

Time Commitment: 2 hours

Frequency Needed: We will offer childcare any time you have available. Please check in advance to see if we currently have children to serve.

Time of Day:  We currently offer morning, afternoon and evening time slots for childcare. This enables our clients to job hunt, search for housing, take a nap and simply get a break.

What will I do

·        Hang out with kids – We typically have a variety of ages living with us.

·        We have an outdoor playground available when weather permits.

·        We have a children’s playroom available.

·        You may bring games, crafts, books (all of which are available here as well.)

·        May include changing diapers and caring for babies.