Spiritual Impact

We believe that Jesus is the ultimate change agent. Our desire is to proviDE opportunities for our clients to experience the love of Jesus.



Number of People: 10-15 (from a church)

Time Commitment:  2 hours      

Frequency Needed:  Every Other Month

Time of Day:  4:15 - 6:30 pm

* This opportunity is for partner churches. (Individuals - see dinner church mentor above.)

The Vision:  The Jackson Interfaith Shelter seeks to meet the physical and spiritual needs of our clients with excellence and dignity.  Spiritual needs are met most effectively in the context of relationships.  We envision a small ministry team of 10-15 people coming from partner churches on Wednesday nights to do life with our clients for a couple hours every other month.  You will serve the evening meal as well as sit and eat with our clients for the first hour and then invite them to the resource room with you for church to follow.  2-3 of your lay ministry team can take our children to the kids’ room for childcare or kid’s church.  Your team will plan and implement a church service that will center on the grace, love and work of Jesus the Christ.  The service is the excuse for relationships to develop.  The dream is that through supernatural appointments provided by the Holy Spirit, you would connect with our clients in a way that leads to deeper interpersonal relationships that last beyond your initial encounter. 

·       Dinner church will be from 4:30 – 6:30 every Wednesday night. 

·       From 4:30 – 5:30 churches are encouraged to serve the evening meal and interact/eat with our clients over dinner.

·       We will start worship in music and preaching at 5:30 and go until (no later than) 6:30.

·       Church services must be Christian in orientation and practice and may include worship in music, personal testimony, communion, prayer, Bible based teaching/preaching, video clips, etc.  You will create your order of service with the elements that you choose.  (Should you choose to do communion, you will need to bring that with you.)