Volunteer Policies

1. Confidentiality

  • No information about Shelter Clients is to be given verbally or in writing to agencies or people outside the Shelter, and no pictures are to be taken of Shelter Clients without a signed release from appropriate staff and the parties involved.

  • Volunteers are not permitted to disclose any form of information relating to our Clients or to the business of Jackson Interfaith Shelter (JIS), even after their service ends.

  • As part of your volunteer service, JIS reserves the right the right to check your driving and/or criminal background and contact necessary references. This information will only be disclosed to necessary staff that impact your volunteer service.

2. Conduct

  • Please do not give the following to our Shelter Clients:

    • Rides

    • Your contact information

    • Clothing

    • Cigarettes, Drugs or Alcohol

    • Gifts or Money

    • Anything else not explicitly covered above

  • Please do not consume alcohol, drugs, or any form of nicotine while on JIS premises.

  • Avoid using your phone or other non-essential electronics while on duty, unless an emergency arises.

  • Act in a moral, ethical, and mature manner and avoid any action/communication that will damage the reputation of JIS.

  • Respect JIS policies, Staff, Clients, established positions, and the decisions of authorized individuals within JIS.

  • Avoid becoming romantically or emotionally involved with JIS Clients.

  • Avoid using language that would be regarded by reasonable people as offensive.

  • Avoid making statements to family, friends, or media where you are speaking on behalf of JIS.

  • Dress Code; Avoid: open-toed shoes or sandals, sleeveless or low-cut tops, clothing that has controversial printing or contains messages that are counter to JIS values.

  • Leave personal belongings such as purses, wallets, coats, electronics, etc. in your vehicle or at home. We are not responsible for any lost or stolen items that you bring onto JIS property.

  • Please disclose any medical limitations you have, or medicine you are taking, that may impact you or your volunteer shift.

  • Please work the shift agreed upon between yourself and the Volunteer Coordinator and communicate any changes.

  • We welcome people of all faith backgrounds to volunteer with us. We simply ask that if you do not share our beliefs, you respect them and do not proselytize against our Statement of Faith.

3. Your status as a volunteer

  • JIS does not condone discrimination regarding race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexuality, age, disability, or veteran status. This applies to all staff, volunteers, Shelter Clients, board members, visitors, and any other party present on JIS property. As a volunteer you are required to follow this policy.

  • You will not receive, by gift or by your own actions, any compensation, or goods for the services you provide.

  • As a volunteer, you give JIS permission to take photos for electronic media, newsletters, and any other public relations activity. You also give JIS permission to send marketing, fundraising, or other communication to you that is not directly tied to your volunteer service, via e-mail, telephone or postal mail using the information provided on your application.

  • As a volunteer, you will not be covered by any form of worker’s compensation insurance through JIS. We will ensure safety precautions are being followed but as a volunteer you are accepting and understanding that there may be risks of injury, caused by yourself or someone else, while serving here and you are assuming that risk.

  • JIS, its staff and other associated parties on premises are not liable for any injury or disease or economic loss or damage resulting from the actions or inactions of the Shelter and you hereby waive and release the Shelter from any such liability.

  • As a volunteer you are entering an at will relationship and can be terminated from volunteering at any time by JIS staff for any or no cause.